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Scan a loyalty card using Square
Scan a loyalty card using Square

Learn how to scan a digital loyalty card when using Square POS

Paul Tomes avatar
Written by Paul Tomes
Updated over 12 months ago

Watch this short video to learn how to scan a digital loyalty card using Square Point of Sale. Follow the instructions below




Scenario 1: No Existing Square Reference ID

  • Unique Identifier: We'll use your PassKit Pass ID (PID) as the Square Reference ID. This ensures each customer has a unique identifier in both systems.

  • Integration Setup: Follow the steps below to set up your integration using PassKit's PID as the Square Reference ID.

Scenario 2: Square Loyalty Users with Reference IDs

  • Existing IDs: If you already use Square Loyalty, each customer likely has a unique reference ID in Square.

  • Alternative Setup: Check back soon for detailed instructions on integrating with existing Square Loyalty IDs. It will use Square as the starting point for your automation.

  • Contact Us: In the meantime, if you need help before the instructions arrive, please reach out to us.

Set up

Design your card

  • Use the PassKit portal design your loyalty card (or membership card).

  • Make sure the barcode content is encoded with ${pid}.

  • Design your data collection page to capture customer information during enrollment.

Ensure unique sign-ups

  • Set the External ID Autofill to "Email Address" or "Phone" to prevent duplicate enrollments.

Design your loyalty program

Develop your automation

  • Use make or Zapier to create an automation triggered by pass creations.

    • Use the pre-made make template here

  • Map the Pass ID to the Square Customer Reference when creating new customers in Square.

Test and Training

Test 1: New Member Signup

  • Enroll a test user ay the Pass Distribution link.

  • Verify that the user's profile is created in Square with the PassKit PID as the reference ID.

Test 2: Same Member Signup

  • Try enrolling the same user again.

  • Confirm you receive the "External ID Error Message".

Test 3: Scanning at POS

  • Simulate a customer transaction using a test loyalty card.

  • Verify the Customer Record is correctly called up.

  • Ensure points/rewards are associated with the customer's account.

  • Test successful and unsuccessful scenarios.

Test 4: Staff Training

  • Train staff on scanning, troubleshooting, and handling customer inquiries.

  • Conduct role-playing exercises to ensure smooth operation.

Promote your program

  • Share the Pass Distribution link to allow your customers to sign up to your Loyalty Program.

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