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How to accept passes with NFC, barcodes, weblinks or text
Introduction to accepting passesAccepting Passes: A Quick Guide
Accepting Passes for In-Person ValidationHow to accept Apple and Google Wallet Passes at your POS
Do I Need a POS System to Use Passkit?The short answer is no!
Using NFC
How to use NFC Wallet Passes
Enabling and using NFC PassesHow to Enable and Use NFC Wallet Passes with PassKit
Getting your NFC CredentialsHow to apply for your Apple NFC Certificate
iCloud Binding PassesBiometric-Bound Passes for a Secure, Non-Transferable Experience
Configuring a PiP reader to read the sample NFC pass on WindowsPiP configuration to read sample PassKit NFC pass on Apple Wallet and Google Pay
Using weblinks
How to use Passes without a barcode or NFC
Enabling and Using Web LinksHow to enable and use PassKit's Customer-Initiated-Redemption