How to use NFC Wallet Passes
Enabling and using NFC PassesHow to Enable and Use NFC Wallet Passes with PassKit
Getting your NFC CredentialsHow to apply for your Apple NFC Certificate
Configuring a PiP reader to read the sample NFC pass on WindowsPiP configuration to read sample PassKit NFC pass on Apple Wallet and Google Pay
NFC Troubleshooting and FAQs
Common Issues and Solutions
Where can I get hardware that supports NFC Passes?NFC Devices compatible with Apple VAS and Google SmartTap
Why hasn't my NFC application been approved?The approval process typically takes at least two weeks
How do I provision Google Pay NFC credentials?For an account that does not have an NFC enabled Apple Pass Certificate?
Can I issue a pass with plain text payload?
Why can't I read a pass with my NFC reader or NFC app?
Why do I need software or an integration to process the payload?