Tier settings allow you to edit the following
The tier name
Your timezone
For more information regarding the tier settings, please see here
Tiers can be used to offer different groups of users a business card with different colours, images and fields. You may want to offer different departments or staff groups a different card
Apple Wallet and Google Wallet passes use time zones to ensure that the information displayed on the pass is accurate and relevant to the user's current location. This includes fields like expiry dates.
Designs Page:
This is the page that holds the list of tiers, and you can access the designer for each tier to edit the pass design. You can navigate here from the top menu.
Open the Tier Settings
To access the tier settings, navigate to the "Designs" page and click on the settings icon for the tier you want to edit.
Make any changes you want and click "Save Changes" when done.
Note: The Program ID and Tier ID fields are non-editable, so they will be greyed out.