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Saving SmartPass links

SmartPass links are not stored in the PassKit database

Paul Tomes avatar
Written by Paul Tomes
Updated over a week ago

When you create SmartPass links you receive an email containing 2 files.

  • success.csv : containing the SmartPass links you will use for distribution

  • errors.csv : containing any rows that has not successfully generated a SmartPass link, including a column summarising the error.

SmartPass links are not stored in your PassKit account.

You must save them to your own computer or secure database.

Why save SmartPass links?

Understanding how SmartPass links work will help you understand why SmartPass links are not stored in your PassKit account, or anywhere in the PassKit database.

  1. Data Encryption: The data for a SmartPass is encrypted and stored within the URL itself. This ensures that the sensitive information is protected during transmission.

  2. Link Generation: When a SmartPass is created, the system generates a unique link containing the encrypted data and a reference to the pass template.

  3. User Interaction: When a user clicks on the link, their device initiates a request to the PassKit web service.

  4. Web Service Processing: The web service receives the request, decodes the encrypted data, and retrieves the corresponding pass template.

  5. Pass Creation: The PassKit web service decodes the encrypted data, retrieves the corresponding template, and dynamically creates the pass. This involves populating the fields with the appropriate values and formatting the pass according to the template's design.

    • Only at this point is a (billable) Pass Record created in your PassKit account.

  6. Pass Delivery: The newly created pass is then sent back to the user's device, where they can add it to their wallet app.

Important Considerations:

Data Storage:

SmartPass links are not stored in your PassKit account. This mean you'll need to save them to your own computer or database for use.

Template Dependency:

  • Deleting the pass template associated with a SmartPass link will result in an error when someone clicks on the link.

    • If you do delete a template we recommend deleting the success.csv file from your computer so you don't accidentally use these SmartPass links.

  • Changing the pass template associated with a SmartPass link may cause a error or a pass not looking as you expect.

    • If you change a pass template we recommend testing one of your SmartPass links.

    • If it fails, or the pass does not look as you expect, delete the success.csv and recreate your SmartPass links and save the newly created success.csv.

Benefits of The Approach

  • Security: Encrypted data ensures the protection of sensitive information and no one can tamper with the SmartPass link.

  • Efficiency: Dynamic pass creation eliminates the need for pre-generating passes, allowing for scalability.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: You can generate as many SmartPass links as needed without incurring costs based on pass volume.

By understanding how SmartPass links work and following these guidelines, you can effectively create and distribute digital passes for your campaigns.

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