If you encounter the error below when importing members with a CSV file, it's probable that the linked Google Drive URL is not correctly referencing the image.
"Error: could not enroll member. Thumbnail image: image: unknown format"
How to Resolve the Issue:
Modify the Link: Modify the problematic link to follow this format: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=FILE ID. Replace "FILE ID" with the actual file ID, which resembles this example: 1qWtS_qzyPNhs0NcEbXHfzWgd97-P3jLG.
Use Search and Replace Function: There’s no need to edit each link manually. Utilize the search and replace function in Google Sheets or another spreadsheet program to streamline the process. This feature quickly replaces all instances of a specific text string with another, ensuring consistency and saving time.