Common Issues and Solutions
Why does my bill show $US 19.75 for single use passes and $19.75 for long life passesI only use loyalty or membership cards, but my bill also shows a portion for single use passes (coupons).
Why do I need an Apple Developer Account?Apple Certificates are issued from your Apple Developer Account
Can I setup multiple users for portal access?
Where is my data stored and how is it encrypted?
How do I unlock my account?What to do when your PassKit account is locked
Is PassKit GDPR Compliant?
Where can I find my billing information?Steps to navigate to the billing page from the projects overview
My account is suspended, what do I do?What to do if your account is suspended
How to Export CSV from the Members ListStep-by-Step Guide on How to Export CSV from the Members List
How to Export CSV from the Coupons PageStep-by-Step Guide on How to Export CSV from Coupons
Why are some of my pass records not auto-deleted after expiry?Understand how PassKit's auto-delete function works